Friday, July 28, 2006

My name is Heather Dobrzynski. My best friend Kelly Jo Elliott was taken from us on May 25, 2006. She was a mother of two precious little boys, ages 7 and 5. All that new her know that she would never take off and leave those babies have suspected foul play all along, at least the ones that knew Kelly the best. This bloc is for me to post my comments and feelings on Kelly's disappearance. I guess I should give you some background on the case. The police have finally said that they think she was the victim of foul play. There was a delay in reporting Kelly as a missing person, almost five days. No one has seen her since she left her parents home on May 25th. The last person to see her was her married boyfriend Gene Talik from Aleppo Township. Mr. Talik provided investigators with inaccurate information about Kelly's disappearance. Specifically, he told them that Kelly had "left him in a huff" after they quarreled at her parents' home. His story did not check out. Investigators asked Gene to take a lie detector test, but he declined. He has since hired a lawyer and stopped cooperating with law officers in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Her car went missing with her and on June 29th the police had a press conference that I attended. They revealed that Kelly's 1999 Oldsmobile Alero some how found its way to a salvage yard in New Sewickley the day after she vanished. The business is not to far from where Gene Talik lives with his family. The license plates from Kelly's car were missing. They also said something about the window being broke and that was broke before she went missing. I told the investigators that, but they acted like that was something new at the conference. The owner of the salvage yard called the New Sewickley police officers. They wrote a report but did not impound Kelly's car. For it was not reported stolen or linked to a crime, so police had no authority to seize it. They left the car in the salvage yards owners possession. Five days later, Kelly's car was gone from the salvage yard. "It disappeared as Mysteriously as it arrived," Sheriff Burgoyne said. I would like to know if there is a fence around this salvage yard, and how that car got off of the lot without nobody seeing it? It is not like the car grew wings to get out of there. Most of the information that we have received so far came from that June 29th press conference. We have heard nothing from them, when you call all they say is they are working on it. Well prove it tell us they made him take a lie detector test. Tell us what they found when they had the FBI look through two more of his vehicles. We held a candlelight vigil to pray for answers to come soon on July 25, 2006(the two month mark of her being gone from her loved ones). We had a very nice turn out, some family members(no parents or sister), a lot of friends, and some that did not even know the wonderful person we were praying for. The goal of the vigil was to let people know that she is still missing(a lot of rumors that are doing nothing but hurting the case), to pray for God to give us the answers we need to bring this mother, daughter, sister, and my best friend home!