Thursday, August 10, 2006

My take in all of This

For one thing you don't even have your facts right. We did NOT file the missing person report her family DID! It was the cops fault it took five days for it to come to the publics eyes.(Not really the cops Gene's Because of the original story Gene gave) Which was that they got into a fight in the Windmill Lounge and she took off in her car in a rage.(So at first we were concered she may have wrecked) That was not true and has since been proven not true. When it came to him being confronted with them not being in the Windmill, it changed to them getting in a minor argument at her parents home. That is also proven not true, because her parents where there at the time that they were loading his truck to take her children on a camping trip. Then they left in separate vehicles but at the same time to go get drinks(supposable). But NO ONE seen her that night after she told her mom she would be right back! For a women that is going to walk away from your life don't you think you would take your purse or your debit card with you!!!!! Considering all the money she had in this world is in the bank and she has no access to it without her debit card or checkbook that is in her room at her house still to this day!! So that is one theory you can through out the window because if she was going to walk away she would have taken the eight hundred dollars she had with her because why would she care about keeping the money to pay bills. She would have wanted that start her new life as you say! I have a question for you how do you know if she even has a tattoo? If you are an outsider looking in! As for me being close to Kelly and letting her be with a married man, Kelly is a grown and so is Gene. She knew how I felt about it. I told her on a daily basis that she needed to get away from him. That he was no good for her or her kids. You are bad mouthing me for not standing up for her blame me you don't know me, I am the one that stopped her from going to his home with his children there to confront his wife. Because of my concern for his children and Kelly agreed with me. But before when she was going to go even though I did not agree with her confronting her and him my husband and I were going to go with her just so I knew she was going to be safe. Because I knew that he had had other girlfriends in the past and I did not know at the time if any of them ever confronted her and I did not know how this crazy bit... would react. If you would read what is being wrote it was not Kelly that did not want us around him or his friends it was GENE! He tried to keep her friends at distance we still are wondering why? We are starting to learn why, but there are many questions that still need to be answered. As for Ms. Anonymous at least she is letting people know what kind of things they are up to. I am glad also that she was strong enough to get away from the situation so she did not end up like Kelly. I just wish Kelly would have learned what kind of person he was before she fell in love with him. As for her car being gone through with a fine tooth comb, that is a joke! Because they just thought it was abandoned at the time. She was not reported at the time because it was the very next morning and if you know anything about missing persons cases they have to be gone for 48hours before anything can be done. I would like to know how the car got back out of the salvage yard, I really don't think it grew wings and flew!!!! This is a man that said he loved her and was going to marry her and when we were looking for her in the beginning, going by his story. Where was he no were to be found. He did not bring her children's things or hers back for a week and a half(enough time for bruises,scratches, and any other cover up you need to do) I WILL TELL YOU WHO THE REAL VICTIMS ARE IN THIS IS HER CHILDREN AND HIS If you have anything else you would like answers to please let me know because I feel that you don't understand that this man, his wife, and or his friends know what has happened to my best friend!!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Missing Kelly Saturday's are hard

Today is a Saturday I have a really hard time with Saturday's. That was the day we spent all day with the kids weather it was just watching them playing in the yard, catching fireflys, or those boys trying to carry a log that is three times bigger than all of them, just to help Jason start their fire to roast marshmallows for there smores. There is just so many things that we use to do together that I cannot name them all. We were like are own little family. I would just do about anything to have that back. Missing her more than I ever thought possible!!! July 29, 2006

Monday, August 07, 2006

Putting a person behind Kelly's missing poster

Sunday's Wheeling News Register is planning a front page article on Kelly the person, not just the missing girl. I have been in contact with the man from the paper for a couple of weeks and am really looking forward to seeing the final copy. Please let me know what everyone thinks of the article.