Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Finally She is Coming Home

After almost six very long months of wondering where, why and how Kelly is coming home. Even though her spirit has been with all that she loved since May 26 her body will now be with us as well. I would just like to say Thank You to everybody that has kept Kelly and her family in thier prayers all this time. Kelly you are finally going to get the justice that you deserve, and that we all need. Rest in Peace now my friend, everyone will know the TRUTH!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


HAS EVERYONE FORGOT I am in disbelieve that everyone has forgotten a mother , daughter, sister, and my best friend. There is not an hour that goes by that something does not remind me of my friend. I just do not understand how the cops have not released any new information in so long. Makes me wonder are they still working as hard as I believe that they should be or am I the only one that believes Kelly is just going to be another forgotten soul. But, she will never be forgotten by those who truly love her. I believe to be able to move on though we need answers!! Answers that nobody seems to care about. I have been told she is not coming home and it is time to move on. I would just like to know how do you do that? I know that I can't, I have tried. It is no easier today than it was FIVE MONTHS ago when she first came up missing. It only seems to be harder with each passing day. Kelly I miss you and would do anything to have that final day back. There are SO many things I would have changed and so many things I would have said. I just want my life back before May 25 when it all came to a screeching halt. I know that can never happen, but I can dream!!! I just wish there was something or somebody that could bring this to an end. We all know that there is someone out there that can bring a close to all of this. And to that person, how do you live with yourself everyday. When you wake up every morning and look in the mirror I hope you think of her and how she can no longer wake up and hug her kids. I hope when you look in that mirror she is starring back at you. She will haunt you forever till you come forward with the truth to put her soul to rest, and yours as well. How can you be apart of the death of a mother, daughter, sister, and friend and live everyday to cover for a man that can disregard her what makes you think he would not do the same to you one day!!!