Friday, December 22, 2006


It is officially your 29th Birthday. You always said that you never wanted to see 30 but we just never really wanted to be old. Just remember that I still have two more to go HA! HA! You always hated me for that. I can remember your birthday last year like it was yesterday. I can even remember what you were doing when I called to tell you that you were one more year closer to that big 30!! I just wish that you were hear for me to rub it in some more. But, Baby Girl you are getting the best birthday present you can in this situation. He is finally going to pay for taking you away from all of us that love you!!! I just want to know when is it going to get easier waking up everyday without you? I miss you bitching at me for calling while you watched Rachel Ray (you never even got to see the talk show awesome by the way), or when you watched them Golden Girls I always thought that was going to be us. Just because we were to mean to live with anyone but each other. NOBODY else understood that honesty was our friendship.Who else would I be able to tell that your butt looks fat in those jeans or that I have no chest and we would just laugh. I just don't know how to go on without you or the boys. Everytime I look at them I see you, even more now than before. I don't know if I am doing the right thing with them either. I want to reach out to your family more than anything but Every time I do it just seems to backfire. I have nothing but good intentions but you know me always screw it up and I don't have you telling me to stop or what step to take next. Kelly Jo you may never reach that big 30 but you will be with me when I do and all the other milestones that I take in my life and the life of your family. HAPPY 29TH BIRTHDAY KELLY!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!